
Results 141 to 145 of 154 in Faculty of Social Sciences

Dr Markus Fraundorfer talks climate crisis on a new episode of the Ilkley Literature Festival's Settee Seminars podcast series.

Dr Lata Narayanaswamy speaks with Imogen Foulkes in a new episode of the Inside Geneva podcast, and is featured in a written article on the conversation.

Dr Markus Fraundorfer and Dr Neil Winn have published an article on the European Union's post-Westphalian health response to Covid-19.

A plain background with text that says: The Big Leeds Conversation

The University's draft values framework is ready for all staff, students and postgraduate researchers to review. Have your say before the survey closes on Friday 12 November.

A plain background with text that says: The Big Leeds Conversation

All staff, students and postgraduate researchers have been invited to the largest consultation of its type at Leeds. Have you had your say yet?