Dr. Subhajit Basu presents paper at NFAIS conference

Dr. Subhajit Basu, Associate Professor in Information Technology Law, was one of the invited speakers at the 59th Annual Conference of National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS™).
The conference was held in Alexandria, Virginia, on 28 February.
In his paper, entitled “The Balancing Act Between Innovation and Regulation: Theory and Practices”, Dr. Basu explored the interactions between technology and the law.
The relationships between innovation and the law are dynamic and arguably changing faster now than ever before. As the landscape among stakeholders continues to evolve, sharing data by way of interoperable systems seem to be cultivating at rapid speed. However, there are critical issues such as privacy and responsible data sharing that needs to be unearthed as part of the landscape. The past few years have revealed too many data exposers and information system vulnerabilities.
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS™) was born not long after the close of World War II out of the desire on the part of the United States to compete effectively as an international leader in science and technology. NFAIS™ seeks to be recognized as the acknowledged leader in the global information community for all organizations that create, aggregate, organize, and otherwise provide ease of access to and effective navigation and use of authoritative, credible information.