Annual talent competition reveals that Law's Got Talent

On Wednesday 7 December the School held its annual “Law’s Got Talent” competition in LUU, showcasing the extraordinary range of those studying in the School.
Now in its third year, the event raised £514.71 for Yorkshire Cancer Research.
The event was judged by staff members Nick Taylor, Chloe Wallace and Jen Hendry, and Treasurer of CrimSoc Heather Bradbury. The event was hosted by Nadi Choudhury, President of LawSoc.
This year’s show saw more acts than ever before, including a break-dancer, three spoken word acts, and six singers and musicians. The standard of talent was incredibly high, and there was fierce competition for the three prizes on offer. The best poet award went to Nyasha Sithole, a third year undergraduate. Best musician went to second year Celine Teh, who performed “Zombie” by the Cranberries. Describing her award, she said “I have been singing and playing guitar for a few years now and it is always great fun to perform on stage. Winning Best Musician for Law's Got Talent was an unexpected bonus”. The final award of the night went to Best Act, which was presented to Paidamwoyo Gambe, a second year student, who commented
“Entering the competition was a challenge to get involved in a way that was personal instead of career related. Winning the prize was dreamlike, if it wasn’t for the overwhelming feeling of excitement I wouldn’t believe it actually happened.”
The Show was brought to a close by returning student boyband, and 2015 favorites, “No Direction”, followed by a staff dance act that took to the stage to Justin Timberlake’s ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’. The staff act, featuring amongst others Head of School Professor Alastair Mullis, was the highlight of the evening, and was repeated after judges and the audience called for an encore.
Professor Mullis commented “One of the highlights of my year is Law’s Got Talent. It’s wonderful to see students and staff coming together every year and celebrating the fantastic talents of our students. This year’s event was exceptional; the acts were brilliant, the audience our largest ever and the atmosphere warm and supportive. I want to pay tribute to all those who made it happen. All the acts deserved praise but I want to offer particular thanks to Melissa Leung who did a fantastic job organising the event, Adam Morris, a recent graduate of the School, who made the event the technical success it was, and Nadirur Choudry, President of LawSoc, who did a wonderful job hosting for the second year in a row.”