Professor Akman provides competition law training at European University Institute (EUI)

Professor Pinar Akman provided competition law training to a select international group at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy.
The group included competition authority officials, company executives, practitioners and doctoral students. The training was part of the ENTraNCE - European Networking and Training for National Competition Enforcers - programme organised by the EUI. ENTraNCE is a hub where European and international competition enforcers and other stakeholders exchange ideas, share best-practices, debate emerging policy issues and enhance their networks. As part of its activities, ENTraNCE also provides training to judges from the EU Member States co-funded by DG Competition of the European Commission.
Professor Akman was invited to speak and delivered a lecture on refusal to deal and essential facilities in the telecoms and energy sectors on 2 December 2016. Her talk discussed the prohibition of abuse of a dominant position by such practices in these sectors and the interplay of regulation and competition therein. Professor Akman also sits on the Scientific Committee of the ENTraNCE programme and is regularly involved in its various activities.