Professor Andrew Keay presents at the International Corporate Governance and Law Forum in China

Professor Andrew Keay has presented a paper at the International Corporate Governance and Law Forum, which was held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The paper, “An Analytical Study of Board Accountability in Transnational Codes of Corporate Governance”, analysed the way that transnational codes, such as the OECD code of corporate governance principles addresses the accountability of boards and evaluated their shortcomings in this respect.
Together with Professor Gerard McCormack, Professor Keay presented a paper, “A Study on a New Approach to Business Failure and Insolvency” at the Insolvency Lawyers’ Academic Forum on 18 March 2016 in Oxford.
The paper draw on the work that McCormack and Keay have done with Dr Sarah Brown and Mrs Judith Dahlgreen as part of a report written for the European Commission on substantive insolvency laws in the EU and the divergence that exists in relation to these laws.
Professor Keay has just had published the latest edition of Insolvency Legislation : Annotations and Commentary, 5th ed, Jordans, that is written with Louis.Doyle, a barrister, and which includes commentary from Professor McCormack on international insolvency.
Professor Keay was also recently appointed as one of the editors of the Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency Reports, now published by LexisNexis.
The Supreme Court of Victoria in Golden Heritage Golf Pty Ltd (in liq) (Receivers & Managers Appointed) & Ors v Sun [ 2016 ] VSC 167 cited Professor Keay’s work as did the New Zealand High Court in both Parker (Bankrupt) v Official Assignee [2015] NZHC 2871 and Havenleigh Global Services Limited v FM Custodians Limited [2015] NZHC 1762 and the Court of Appeal of the Western Australian Supreme Court in Australian Gypsum Industries Pty Ltd v Daleson Holdings Pty Ltd [2015] WASCA 95.