Dr Peter Whelan Becomes a Non-Governmental Advisor to the International Competition Network

Dr Whelan has been chosen by the Competition and Markets Authority to become a Non-Governmental Advisor to the International Competition Network.
The International Competition Network (‘ICN’) is a network that comprises more than 120 of the world’s competition law enforcement agencies, and has been set up to promote superior standards and procedures in competition enforcement and policy by member agencies around the world. It formulates proposals for procedural and substantive convergence, and seeks to facilitate international cooperation through a results-oriented agenda. While it is primarily a network of competition authorities, the ICN has always sought out additional expert advice through the engagement of Non-Governmental Advisors (‘NGAs’).
The ICN operates a number of Working Groups. As a Non-Governmental Advisor, Dr Whelan will contribute to its Working Group on Cartels. The mandate of this Working Group is to address the challenges of anti-cartel enforcement, including the prevention, detection, investigation and punishment of cartel conduct, both domestically and internationally, across the entire range of ICN members with differing levels of experience and resources.
The School of Law will now see two of its competition law academics act as Non-Governmental Advisors to the ICN: Professor Pinar Akman currently contributes to the ICN’s Working Group on Unilateral Conduct.
For more information on the ICN, please visit the INC website.