Alex Batesmith quoted in ABC News

The ABC article is titled “War Crimes Watch: Hard path to justice in Bucha atrocities”.
School of Law lecturer and Employability Director Mr Alex Batesmith spent five years as a United Nations prosecutor in Cambodia and Kosovo, working on cases involving genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. He was the lead UN prosecutor in the investigation and initial phase of the public trial of Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, the first case at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Phnom Penh.
The ABC article notes “top leaders around the world have responded to gruesome evidence of civilian death and torture found after Russian troops retreated from areas around Kyiv with resounding calls for justice.”
Mr Batesmith comments in the article “I'm really struggling to see how there is any plausible defense to the evidence we are witnessing. But there's no way on earth Putin will surrender to the ICC or be arrested and brought to the ICC without major cross-continental conflict or internal political shifts in Russia which don't seem plausible.”