Dr Leopoldo Parada awarded the Extraordinary Doctoral Award provided by the University of Valencia in Spain

Dr Parada received the award for his doctoral thesis defended in 2017.
The Extraordinary Doctoral Award is granted to those doctoral theses of exceptional quality and merits in different areas of science across the university and requires dissertations to be qualified as summa cum laude and proposed to the award by the unanimous and secret vote of the doctoral tribunal during the defence (viva). The selection is from the period 2017-2020.
This prize represents a second recognition of this kind that Dr Parada received for his doctoral thesis as he was previously awarded the Universitè Paris 1 Pantheón-Sorbonne Award Best Doctoral thesis in Tax Law in 2018.
Dr Parada’s doctoral thesis has been published under the title “Double Non-Taxation and the Use of Hybrid Entities. An Alternative Approach in the New Era of BEPS” (Kluwer Law International, 2018), and it can be consulted here.