Dr Subhajit Basu speaks about artificial intelligence at Leeds Digital Festival webinar

The webinar "Responsible AI - where should we draw the line" was held on Friday 25 September as part of the Leeds Digital Festival and was hosted by the International law firm DAC Beachcroft.
Dr Basu participated in the webinar which addressed one of the hottest current issues in Artificial Intelligence (AI); whether and how its use should be limited and regulated?
His talk aimed to address both the ethical purpose and societal benefit of AI as well as the fairness, non-discrimination and privacy.
Dr Basu started by saying that “any new technology should not be banned or condemned because of its potential misuse. We should regulate the use of technology but not the technology itself. We should not regulate it without understanding it”.
“The problem as I see it, there is an asymmetry in knowledge between big techs, governments and us. For example, the failure of the A-level algorithm highlights the need for a more transparent, accountable and inclusive process in the deployment of algorithms. Deepfakes and disinformation are the latest weapons in the war against truth. Driven by advances in AI, Deepfake technology makes it remarkably easy to create realistic videos depicting events that never happened” he went onto say.
Dr Basu concluded that “to trust AI, we need sensible regulation that takes a proportionate approach, balancing potential harms with social opportunities also without disrupting innovation”.
Read more about the webinar on the event page.