Professor Iyiola Solanke delivers Keynote Address at 4th BME ECR Conference

Navigating the academic space together.
Professor Iyiola Solanke, Chair in EU Law and Social Justice delivered the Keynote Address at the 4th BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) Early Career Researcher (ECR) Conference on 14 September 2020.
The conference offers attendees the opportunity to hear from a range of BME researchers, from PhD students to Professors, who share their insights and experiences of how they have managed to successfully navigate the academic space.
Professor Solanke told us “In light of the goal of the new UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Chief Executive, Ottoline Leyser, to create a more inclusive research community, I see developing capacity within this cohort as an urgent task. BAME ECRs - especially women - are a minority within the academic community, potentially encountering challenges at every stage of their journey. My keynote included a number of tips to enable BAME ECRs to 'SHINE*' as they navigate the academic space from PGR to professor.”
Watch the full conference – (Professor Solanke from 35.10)
*SHINE = S - Step back and leap further, H - health and happiness, I - Initiative, N - No (changing No to Not yet)/Network, E - excellence