Professor Akman shares latest research at international conference in Israel

Professor Pinar Akman was an invited speaker at an international conference jointly organised by the Israeli Competition Authority, Tel Aviv University and Haifa University.
The conference ‘Antitrust New Frontiers: The Digital Economy and Economic Concentration’ took place at Tel Aviv University on 11-12 June 2019. Professor Akman, Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice, spoke on a panel concerning online platforms and two-sided markets alongside Professor Howard Shelanski (Georgetown), Professor Aaron Edlin (UC Berkeley) and Guy Ben-Ishai (The Brattle Group). The full program of the conference is available here.
In November 2017, Professor Akman was awarded a Philip Leverhulme Prize (£100,000) which she is using to continue her research into various aspects of the application of competition law in digital markets. Her intervention at the conference presented some of her findings from this project in relation to the legal nature of platforms, agency, and competition law.