Professor Akman speaks at Slovak Competition Authority’s International Conference

Professor Pinar Akman was an invited speaker at the Slovak Competition Authority’s International Conference on Current Trends in Slovak and European Competition Law which was held in Bratislava.
The conference, held on 22 May 2019, was organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava and the newly launched platform Women@CompetitionCEE.
Professor Akman spoke on a panel concerning vertical restraints in competition law alongside representatives from the European Commission, DG Competition; private practitioners, and competition authority officials. Professor Akman’s talk focused on some of the legal issues that online distribution models raise in relation to the competition assessment of vertical restraints such as resale price maintenance, platform most-favoured-customer clauses, and selection distribution models.
The conference was attended by over 150 delegates, and more information on the conference is available here.