Postgraduate Research Conference 2012

A student-led event with the principal aim of encouraging the widest participation from researchers.

This is a great opportunity to give a paper or poster in a friendly, supportive environment and receive feedback to inform the development of your work in the future. It is also a good opportunity to meet with other research postgraduates across the faculty.

Conference Programme

09.00-9.30 – Registration

09.30-10.00 – Welcome

Hugh Dyer, Director of Graduate School
Jeremy Higham, Dean of Faculty

10.00-11.00 – Session 1

Research in an African Context

Chair: Nketti Mason

Betty Chinyamunyamu, School of Politics and International Studies. The Role of Farm Input Subsidy in Promoting Market-oriented Crop Production for Female Farmers.
Josh Maiyo, School of Politics and International Studies. Security Regionalism and Institutional Building in the East African Community.

Law and Policy

Chair: Emma Gillen

Alice Jowett, School of Politics and International Studies. Scaling-up Successfully: pathways to replication for educational NGOs.
Van Ngoc Vu, School of Law. Reforming the Law on Directors’ Duties in Vietnam.

11.00-11.20 – Tea and Coffee

11.20-12.50 – Session 2


Chair: Emmanuel Sotande

Salma Amir, School of Politics and International Studies. Microfinance Effect on the Empowerment of Rural Women in North Western Pakistan: a case study of Khyber PakhtunKhwa (KPK).
Shuang Ling, School of Law. The Concessionaire Selection Procedure in Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects (PFIPs).
Gyubin Choi, School of Politics and International Studies. Chicken Soup Diplomacy: promise and pitfalls of economic sanctions.

Educating Educators

Chair: Helen Morris

Emma Gillen, School of Education. A Case Study of Mathematics Teacher Collaboration in a Cross-Phase and Cross-School Setting.
Maria Bertani Tress, School of Education. Academia as a Workplace for those from Abroad: the case of Latin-American academics in the UK.
Omeir Alenezi, School of Education. Academic Staff Perceptions of the Management of Decision-making Processes in the Education Faculties of King Saud University and the University of Leeds: comparative analysis.

12.50-13.30 – Poster Presentations & Lunch

13.30-15.00 – Session 3

Educating Students

Chair: Jackie Salter

Moses Odongo, School of Education. Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Computer Plus Talk Teaching Sequence to Improve Students’ Understanding of Chemical Rates of Reaction: a Ugandan case study.
Shaista Shirazi, School of Education. Student Experience of School Science and its Relationship to Science Take-up.
Irene Vanderpuye, School of Education. Piloting Inclusive Education in Ghana: parental perception and involvement.

Social Issues in Citizenship and the Environment

Chair: Laura Connelly

Leon Sealey-Huggins, School of Sociology and Social Policy. The Politics and Ethics of Responses to Climate Change in the Caribbean Region: a tentative sociological analysis.
Deborah Fenney, School of Sociology and Social Policy. Disabled People as Environmental Citizens: implications for environmental and social justice.
Daniel Edmiston, School of Sociology and Social Policy. The “Immoral Underclass”: interdependency at its best?.

15.00-15.20 – Tea and Coffee

15.20-16.00 – Keynote

Professor Adam Crawford. Embedding Research Impact: translating evidence based research into policy.

16.00-16.15 – Close

Who should attend?

All PhD students in the faculty.

Postgraduate research students at any stage of study are invited to present a paper and/or academic poster at the annual Postgraduate Research Conference 2012.

Why should you attend?

This event gives PGR students the opportunity to gain invaluable experience for attending a conference and possibly giving a paper and answering questions.

Whilst the structure for the day and the procedures replicate those of a formal conference, the audience consists of your peers and friends. Some academics come along too. The atmosphere is supportive and friendly.

This is a non-threatening learning experience which will help you in the future. The day also has a strong social dimension with ample opportunity for conferees to network and chat over coffee and lunch.