Postgraduate Research Conference 2011
- Date: Tuesday 10 May 2011, 09:30 – 15:30
- Location: Leeds University Union
- Cost: Free
A student-led event with the underlying aim of encouraging the widest participation from postgraduate researchers.
This is a great opportunity to give a paper or poster in a friendly, supportive environment and receive feedback to inform the development of your work in the future. It is also a good opportunity to meet with other research postgraduates across the faculty.
Key Speakers
- Prof. Jeremy Higham (Dean of Faculty)
- Prof. Anne Kerr (Pro-Dean for Research)
Who should attend?
All PhD students in the faculty.
Postgraduate research students at any stage of study are invited to present a paper and/or academic poster at the annual Postgraduate Research Conference 2011.
Why should you attend?
This event gives PGR students the opportunity to gain invaluable experience for attending a conference and possibly giving a paper and answering questions.
Whilst the structure for the day and the procedures replicate those of a formal conference, the audience consists of your peers and friends. Some academics come along too. The atmosphere is supportive and friendly.
This is a genuinely non-threatening learning experience that will serve you well for the future. The day also has a strong social dimension with ample opportunity for conferees to network and chat over coffee and lunch.