Research project
Preventing and Disrupting County Lines 'Cuckooing’ Victimisation
- Start date: 1 April 2022
- End date: 31 July 2025
- Funding: N8 Policing Research Partnership and Research England
- Value: £106,429
- Partners and collaborators: Anne Rannard – National County Lines Coordination Centre, Jennifer Griffiths – West Yorkshire Police, Emma Bloodworth – South Yorkshire Police, Heather Ashby – Leeds City Council, James Allen – Horton Housing
- Primary investigator: Dr Laura Bainbridge
- Co-investigators: Dr Amy Loughery
The Wicked Problem of Cuckooing
Cuckooing is a highly predatory practice named after the nest stealing practices of wild cuckoos. It is a form of criminal exploitation where people are conned, coerced, controlled, or intimidated into providing access to their home to criminals, who then use it as a base for their activity. Such activity may include sex work, storing cash and weapons, or dealing drugs. Perpetrators may also take over a property to financially abuse its occupier.
Victims are typically vulnerable and primary targets are those who are dependent on drugs and alcohol, those with learning difficulties, and those with disabilities or mental health issues. Some victims may receive benefits for their cooperation such as drugs or money, yet are likely to be subjected to serious threats, coercion, physical and psychological violence, and intimidation once perpetrators have gained access to their property.
Cuckooing undoubtedly presents a ‘wicked’ problem for operational policing.
Yet, while political and professional concern about the proliferation of cuckooing has increased in recent years in the UK, academic research dedicated to exploring, understanding and scrutinising this phenomenon remains in its infancy.

N8 Policing Research Partnership Study
In seeking to plug gaps in knowledge, the three overarching aims of this study were to:
- Investigate the mechanics of ‘cuckoo’ targeting (including risk factors, eg ACEs)
- Gain an insight into the lived experience of ‘cuckoo’ victims and perpetrators
- Identify potential preventative measures for practical application
The data collection phase of the study commenced with a comprehensive search for academic, grey, journalistic and practice-based literature that discusses ‘cuckooing’. Subsequent fieldwork involved interviewing experts, victims and perpetrators of cuckooing.
Outputs from the study included:
- A summary report
- A menu of tactical options for local delivery groups
- Academic journal articles
- International conference presentations
- An edited collection titled: Understanding and Preventing ‘Cuckooing’ Victimisation: County Lines and Beyond. This book will be published by Routledge in early 2025.
Cuckooing Research & Prevention Network

Cuckooing is a complex and evolving crime, and tackling it requires a multi-agency response that is designed to eliminate organised crime groups and target-harden potential victims. In seeking to facilitate the exchange of cuckooing knowledge and promising practice between stakeholders, the Cuckooing Research & Prevention Network has been established. Members span the academic, practitioner and policy-making spheres and the local, regional and national levels.
The Network is funded by Research England.
Join the Cuckooing Research & Prevention mailing list here.
Follow the Network on X - @end_cuckooing
Campaigning For Policy Change
Members of the Network are petitioning Parliament for the introduction of new legislation that would make cuckooing a specific criminal offence. We have had some success, with the previous government inserting cuckooing clauses into the Criminal Justice Bill prior to the general election being called in 2024. While we welcome this development, it is apparent that changes could be made to the draft clauses to improve their clarity and to safeguard vulnerable people in their homes.
Our full written response to the legislation can be accessed here.

A Positive Impact
We are eager to learn how the Network has made a positive difference to you, your organisation and/or your clients. Please complete this short form to provide us with feedback on the impact of our work.
Publications and outputs
The following resources have been designed to improve awareness of cuckooing victimisation, encourage professional and public curiosity, and improve reporting and intervention. If you have any comments or feedback on these resources, please do complete this short form.
- Preventing & Disrupting Cuckooing Victimisation: Professional Toolkit DOWNLOAD HERE
This co-produced toolkit includes the following resources:
- Cuckooing Information Booklet for Professionals
- A Cuckooing Risk Identification Tool
- The Cuckooing Safeguarding Process
- The Cuckooing Safeguarding Process (West Yorkshire)
- Key Contacts (West Yorkshire)
- Know the Signs Poster (A4)
- Know the Signs Poster (A3)
- Leaflet - Public
- Leaflet - Professionals
- A4 Folder
- What is Cuckooing? – An Accessible Introduction (Animation)
- Tackling Cuckooing – A Webinar Hosted by the National County Lines Coordination Centre. Speakers include: Dr Laura Bainbridge; Dr Julie Rugg; Anne Rannard (NCLCC); Heather Ashby (Leeds City Council); and Louise Crowder (Stockport Homes)
The following resources will also be available shortly:
- Cuckooing - Know the Signs (Poster - NHS Staff)
- Cuckooing - Know the Signs (Poster - Opticians and Audiologists)
- Cuckooing - Know the Signs (Poster - Fire and Rescue Workers)
- Cuckooing - Know the Signs (Poster – Utility Meter Readers)
- Cuckooing - Know the Signs (Housing Maintenance Staff)
Cuckooing Research & Prevention Network Symposium
24 July 2024, School of Law, University of Leeds
Read the symposium programme
Access a recording of the symposium here:
Anne Rannard – The National County Lines Coordination Centre
Access the presentation slides
Darren Burton – The Role of The Housing Provider And The Importance of Effective Partnership Working When Investigating Cuckooing
Access the presentation slides
Dr Craig Barlow – The Complexity of Cuckooing
Access the presentation slides
Paul Davies - Preventing Cuckooing & Disrupting Organised Crime Group (B27)
Access the presentation slides
Niamh Cullen – Multiple Disadvantage and Cuckooing in Calderdale
Access the presentation slides
Dr Julie Rugg – Cuckooing and Criminality in the Private Rented Sector
Access the presentation slides
Preventing and Disrupting Cuckooing Victimisation Conference
30–31 January 2024, School of Law, University of Leeds
This two-day sold-out conference explored emerging and promising practice from across the UK that has been implemented to tackle cuckooing victimisation.
Read the conference programme
Read the conference summary report (coming soon)
Day 1
Christina Gabbitas, Children’s Book Author – Early Intervention
Watch the presentation
Hayley Fox, Crime Intelligence Analyst, Lincolnshire Police – County Lines Cuckooing In Lincoln. A Risk Terrain Approach to Identifying Risk
Access the presentation slides
Anne Rannard, Protect Lead National County Lines Coordination Centre – Tackling Cuckooing
Watch the presentation
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Louise Crowder, Stockport Homes Group – Preventing Cuckooing and Exploitation
Watch the presentation
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Justine Adams, Sheffield Changing Futures Programme – Changing Futures: A Place-Based Programme's Approach to Cuckooing
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Amber Wilson and Jackie Blackburn, Basis Yorkshire – Supporting Female Victims of Cuckooing
Access the presentation slides
Gemma Gibbs, Crimestoppers – Crimestoppers: The Independent Charity Giving Everyone a Voice
Watch the presentation
Jennie Cox, Senior Local Area Coordinator, York – Local Area Coordination: Working Together To Mitigate the Impact of County Lines on Communities, Through Trusted Relationships
Day 2
Dr Laura Bainbridge and Dr Amy Loughery, University of Leeds – Understanding and Preventing Cuckooing Victimisation
Access the presentation slides
Andy Moore, MSB Solicitors – Tackling Cuckooing in Social Housing
Watch the presentation
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Mark Ireland, Heather Ashby, James Allen, Mark Lund, and Adrian Tonge – Working Collaboratively to Tackle Cuckooing in West Yorkshire
Watch the presentation
Watch the presentation
Watch the presentation
Understanding and Preventing Cuckooing Victimisation Symposium
3 May 2023, School of Law, University of Leeds
Bringing together academics, police professionals, criminal justice practitioners and voluntary sector representatives, this one-day sold-out symposium explored the latest thinking and research evidence around 'cuckooing' victimisation. A core objective of the symposium was to share knowledge and experience of how ‘cuckooing’ can be prevented, both in relation to target-hardening potential victims and identifying ‘cuckooing’ perpetrators.
Read the symposium summary report
Dr Laura Bainbridge – Welcome
Access the presentation slides
Dr Jack Spicer – An Introduction to Cuckooing: Some Thoughts on Understandings and Responses
Watch the presentation
Access the presentation slides
Professor Simon Harding – Competition, Exploitation and Cuckooing in County Lines
Watch the presentation
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Dr Rosemary Broad – Communities of Practice in Multi-Agency Responses to Cuckooing
Watch the presentation
Access the presentation slides
Detective Superintendent Fiona Gaffney – Cuckooing: The Police Response
Watch the presentation