Professor Chrissi Nerantzi

Professor Chrissi Nerantzi


I joined the university in September 2022 as an Associate Professor in Education, after a varied career as a computer programmer in the Hellenic Navy, teacher of modern foreign languages, translator, teacher educator in Adult, Community and Further Education and academic developer in Higher Education in Greece, Germany and the UK. Since September 2023, I am a Professor in Creative and Open Education.

Before joining the University of Leeds, I worked at Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Salford and the University of Sunderland as an academic developer leading on creative and innovative learning and teaching and teaching excellence. My very first experience working in higher education was in Germany where I taught translation and German language at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz in 1996/97.

Later and while working in HE in the UK, I (co-)created and shared openly many open educational resources and initiated and founded with other educators a range of openly licensed cross-institutional professional development opportunities that provide alternative ways for diverse and cross-boundary collaboration and personal and collective growth for academics, other professionals who teach or support learning, students and the public.

Examples are the monthly Teaching and Learning Conversations (TLC) webinars since 2011; the open course Flexible, Distance and Online Learning (FDOL) in 2013 and 2014 that then lead to the open course Flexible, Open and Social Learning (FOS) in 2015; the weekly Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (#LTHEchat) tweetchat since 2014 and the open course and community Creativity for Learning (#creativeHE) since 2015.

I experiment regularly with novel approaches in my teaching and engage in related scholarship and research, including the design of empirical and conceptual pedagogical models and frameworks.

Examples include:

Furthermore, I support colleagues and students to be brave and embrace creative, playful and open approaches that stimulate learning and development in new and exciting ways and help them grow as a professionals and human beings. Storytelling and picture books for example, as well as learning through making, objects and play are areas dear to my heart.

My work and contributions have been recognised nationally and internationally. I am a National Teaching Fellow 2015 by the HEA and the ALT Learning Technologist of the Year Award in 2017. In 2018, I was awarded the Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN) Award for Best Open Research Practice and in 2020 I received a GOGN Fellowship. In 2021 the open collaborative picture book project team, I led, received the OEGlobal Open Innovation Award and in 2022 the open #creativeHE community which I founded received a Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence by Advance HE. In 2023 I was awarded the OER Champions Award by the National Teaching Repository. In 2024 the project I initiated “101 creative ideas to use AI in Education” received the Global Open Curation/Repository Award by OE Global.

I love learning and hold a range of academic qualifications and am currently studying towards the Apprenticeship in Executive Leadership, Leeds University Business School. 

Outside work, I am a keen crafter, picture book writer and am experimenting with illustration. Some of these activities find their way into my educational practice and scholarly activities.


  • Module leader EDUC5264 Education in a Digital Society
  • Institutional Academic Lead, Discover and Explore
  • Senior Lead, Knowledge Equity Network

Research interests

My research interests are in the area of creativity, playfulness, openness, storytelling and picturebooks, collaborative learning and creative use of genAI. I welcome PhD applications in these areas.

I am a GO-GN alumna and over the years, I have enjoyed working with educators and students in a range of research projects and scholarly activities. My work as an open scholar is well-known nationally and internationally. I regularly give talks, presentations and workshops at conferences, events and institutions both nationally and internationally and collaborate on research projects with colleagues and students across disciplines and institutions that is disseminated widely.

The book The Power of Play in Higher Education, edited by Professor Alison James and I, was the first of its kind when it was published. It includes 44 playful learning contributions from practitioners internationally across disciplines. We have been invited by the publisher to work on the second edition due to its success.

In my doctoral studies, I used phenomenography to explore the variations of the lived experience of open learners who were learning collaboratively in open cross-institutional professional development courses. Through this study I discovered new insights into the patterns and nature of collaborative learning and developed an empirical design framework for cross-boundary collaborative open learning. I welcome potential PGR applications that use phenomenography. 

<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • PhD in Open cross-boundary collaborative learning, Edinburgh Napier University
  • MSc in Blended and Online Education, Edinburgh Napier University
  • MA in Coaching and Mentoring in Education, Manchester Metropolitan Universisty
  • MA in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of Sunderland
  • MA in Creative Writing Innovation and Experimentation, University of Salford

Professional memberships

  • Principal Fellow of HEA (PFHEA)
  • National Teaching Fellow (NTF)
  • Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)
  • Accredited LEGO(R) SERIOUS PLAY(R) Facilitator

Student education


EDUC5264M Education in a Digital Society, module leader
EDUC5270M Dissertation in Digital Education, supervisor
EDUC5267M Designing Digital Education, module tutor
EDUC5928M Research Methods and Dissertation in MA TESOL programmes and MA TESOL Studies, marker
EDUC3040M Critical Debates in Childhood and Youth, guest tutor
EDUC5020C Creativity and Play for Learning, module tutor

Current postgraduate researchers

<h4>Postgraduate research opportunities</h4> <p>The school welcomes enquiries from motivated and qualified applicants from all around the world who are interested in PhD study. Our <a href="">research opportunities</a> allow you to search for projects and scholarships.</p>