Intellectual leadership

Research centres in the School of Politics and International Studies play host to some of the top journals in our discipline, including the European Journal of International Security, Development in Practice and Amity: Journal of Friendship Studies.
Our staff hold over 20 editorial positions in leading journals across the full span of the discipline including Civil Wars, Political Communication, Global Responsibility to Protect, Review of African Political Economy, and International Health and Human Rights.
Our staff have also collaborated widely as guest editors of journals, producing thematic special issues and edited collections leading forward debates on a board range of themes including: the dangers of computational propaganda (Big Data); the Responsibility to Protect (International Politics, Global Responsibility to Protect, Criminal Law Forum, and Ethics and International Affairs); norms of warfare (European Review of International Studies); moral economies (New Political Economy); African politics (Review of African Political Economy, Critical African Studies); and the global political economy of health (Review of International Political Economy).
Our researchers provide disciplinary leadership through their executive committee and trustee positions on major disciplinary associations and through convenorship of specialist working grouping within the discipline across the PSA, BISA, and the ISA, among others.
Our researchers are members of the review colleges of all the major UK funding bodies in the social sciences and beyond, including: ESRC, AHRC, UKRI Future Leaders, British Academy, GCRF and the Medical Research Council.