
Results 131 to 135 of 214 in Research and expertise

Jose Raisey-Skeats will present his dissertation research to an international audience spanning eight countries and five continents on 26 September.

What's it like to experience pregnancy as a trans man? Dr Sally Hines has been interviewed about her ESRC project by US Mel Magazine.

Associate Professor Sally Hines has been interviewed by US magazine MEL about her ESRC project An International Exploration of Trans Male Practices of Reproduction.

Sociology student Peadar O'Dea has started an online petition for First Bus to make buses in Leeds more accessible for all disabled people.

Leanne in New York with the leadership programme.

Leanne Clark, a former Social Science foundation year student, now currently studying BA Social Policy, was selected to represent the University on the Leeds to New York student leadership programme.

Professor Wang visits from Jinan University.

Professor Chunchao Wang recently visited the School to give a talk on migrant worker families in China.