Dr Matt Homer
- Position: Associate Professor
- Areas of expertise: Assessment in medical education; psychometrics, standard setting and quantitative methods; post-16 mathematics education
- Email: M.S.Homer@education.leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 4654
- Location: 2.12 Hillary Place
- Website: LIME assessment research group web-page | ORCID | White Rose
My substantive areas of research interest include medical education assessment, and post-16 mathematics education. I also have a range of teaching, research supervision and leadership responsibilities.
In terms of my academic background, I have a PhD in Mathematics, an MSc in Applied Statistics, and taught mathematics and statistics in further and higher education for several years.
- Postgraduate Research Tutor (2015-2018)
- Chair of Assessment Research Group
Research interests
Medical education
I currently spend the majority of my working time in the Leeds Institute of Medical Education within the School of Medicine carrying out assessment-related work and research. With a team of colleagues, we have an ongoing and internationally-recognised programme of research centred on improving performance and knowledge assessments. We have published widely in this area, for example, recent work inlcudes a series of papers on examiner variation in OSCEs, the most recent of which is here.
I also have assessment-related external positions with the General Medical Council, quality assuring the clinical assessment of international medical doctors coming to the UK (PLAB2), which includes bi-montly report writing and producing the most recent annual reports on this high stakes assessment. I also sit on the GMC’s Curriculum Advisory Group that approves changes to postgraduate curricula, and on the Physician Associate National Exam Development Group. I am also advising some new/forthcoming medical schools on assessment issues.
Maths education research
In the School of Education, I led research on the uptake of the new and important post-16 Core maths qualification introduced recently in England. This large-scale, longitudinal project (2017-2020) was funded by the Nuffield Foundation, and in conjunction with external partners we have recently produced a range of videos to encourage the uptake on this important new qualification.
Affiliated Research Centres
Centre for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://essl.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>- Applied science students: Examining progression routes from KS4
- Developing Curriculum Pathways in Mathematics - phase two
- Enactment and Impact of Science Education Reform (EISER)
- GCSE 21st Century Science: comparisons of participation and attainment in post-compulsory science
- Growing post-16 maths participation: promoting the benefits of Core Maths
- HENNA (Harehills ESOL Needs Neighbourhood Audit) project
- Medical education assessment
- Opportunity Areas: Impact Evaluation
- Research on professors, professorial academic leadership and preparation for professorship
- The early take-up of Core Mathematics: successes and challenges
- BSc in mathematics
- PhD in mathematics
- CStat (Chartered statistician) - lapsed in 2022
Professional memberships
- Royal Statistical Society (until 2021)
- Psychometrics SIG for the Association for the Study of Medical Education
Student education
I have a number of postgraduate research students (partial list below), and I teach quantitative research methods to Master’s level.
Research groups and institutes
- Centre for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy