Dr Daniel Fobi


I have worked as a lecturer and sign language interpreter in Ghana before joining the School of Education in 2019 as a Project Officer for a British Academy GCRF project on ‘Early education for young deaf children and their caregivers in Ghana. I have trained teachers of the deaf and sign language interpreters to support deaf people at various settings and educational levels. I have a PhD (2021) in Deaf Education (School of Education, University of Leeds), MPhil (2015) Special Education (University of Education, Winneba) and BEd (2012) Special Education (Hearing Impaired and Mathematics, University of Education, Winneba).


  • Coordinator, Researcher, Project Officer

Research interests

My research interest is in early years language and communication development of deaf children (https://deafed.leeds.ac.uk/); inclusivity for deaf individuals in the Ghanaian societies; mental health and wellbeing of deaf people; and sign language interpreting development at different settings in Ghana. My aim is to develop a deeper understanding of the resources available to support language and communication of deaf people to facilitate their inclusion in various societies. I am also interested in examining the role of interpreting in the inclusion of deaf students in various educational settings. I have interest in the factors that contribute to the mental health and wellbeing of deaf people. Through my research and coordinations, I hope to develop research capacity of researchers of the Global South particularly within the Ghanaian context by creating research and working collaborations between academics and researchers of the Global North and those of the South.


  • PhD Deaf Education
  • MPhil Special Education
  • BEd Special Education (Hearing Impaired) and Mathematics

Professional memberships

  • British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (BATOD)
  • World Association of Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI)