Md Nabinur Rahman
- Email: ed20mnr@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Investigating EAP teachers’ agency construction in enacting students’ feedback literacy in teaching academic writing at university level in Bangladesh
- Supervisors: Dr Judith Hanks (SFHEA), Dr Diana Mazgutova, Dr Loreto Aliaga Salas
I have been teaching English language at the tertiary level in Bangladesh since 2015. After completing undergraduate (BA) in English, and postgraduation (MA) in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching (ELT) from the Department of English, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, I have commenced my teaching career at a renowned private university in Dhaka as a novice Lecturer. Serving nearly for one year with dedication, I left the private university, and joined to a new position at the most prestigious and oldest public university of the country, University of Dhaka. Being a newly recruited Lecturer at the Institute of Modern Languages (IML), University of Dhaka, I successfully accomplished the challenging tasks of teaching, conducting classroom-based action research, and administrative duties with precision, transparency, and sustainability. During my tenure as a Lecturer at the IML, I published six research papers focusing the local English language learning and teaching (ELLT) issues in locally and internationally renowned peer-reviewed ELT and Applied Linguistics journals (i.e., Journal of the Institute of Modern Language, Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) Journal, The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics, THT Journal- Japan).
In 2021, I pursued my second master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at the School of Education, University of Leeds (UoL), the UK securing Distinction. Additionally, with the invaluable support from my MA dissertation supervisor from the University of Leeds, I published a research article in a Scopus indexed journal (Language Teaching Research Quarterly) in 2023.
During my MA study in 2021 at the UoL, I began to develop interest on how English language teachers formulate their teaching agency while teaching EAP writing courses to undergraduate students at Bangladeshi university. This significant but under-researched area has hugely influenced me to do future research addressing the very issue. That’s why, I felt the urge to pursue a postgraduate research degree (PhD) in Education (specialisation in TESOL) from the University of Leeds.
Research interests
My research interests are but not limited to academic writing, EAP, feedback in L2 writing, and teaching language skills. However, my MA TESOL experience at the University of Leeds has positively stimulated me to conduct further research on the issues of teacher agency and feedback literacy. Thus, my current research project seeks to unearth more consolidated understanding about the construction of the teaching agency of those EAP teachers involved in developing the student feedback literacy while teaching writing courses at the university level in Bangladesh.
My PhD project has two folds objectives. It will facilitate me to examine (1) how sustainable feedback literacy exercised by the EAP teachers assists students to develop their academic writing skills, and (2) how the EAP teachers construct their teacher agency while applying the student feedback literacy in teaching academic writing to students at the tertiary level education in Bangladesh.
I believe, this study might offer significant impacts for the English language education industry in Bangladesh where the issues of teacher agency and feedback literacy at the tertiary level are still under-researched phenomena.
- MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- MA in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching (ELT)
- BA Honours in English
Research groups and institutes
- Centre for Language Education
- Centre for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy
- Leeds Social Science Institute