Shichong Li
- Email: edsl@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Children's agency in peer relations: taking the Chinese Left-behind Children as an example
- Supervisors: Dr Anne Luke, Dr Delyth Edwards, Prof. Gill Main
I achieved my Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction at Southwest University in China. During my stay, I had three academic journal publications in Chinese, one conference presentation experience, and two academic exchanges, respectively, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA and National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taiwan. I have also participated in three education-related research projects launched in China by collecting data, structuring literature reviews and writing reports.
I am pursuing my PhD at the University of Leeds in researching children’s agency in peer relations in the Chinese context. My participants are the Left-behind Children (LBC) in China whose parents are migrant workers of China’s ongoing internal migration leading to massive social mobilities. People always need a context to understand childhood in different countries or contexts. Hence, weaving theories from the sociology of childhood with a focus on the LBC’s daily life would raise people’s awareness of what LBC care about and their living conditions from their perspectives in the Chinese context. I mainly use debates on children’s agency as my theoretical framework to navigate my research regarding LBC’s peer relations in their family and school contexts.
Teaching assistant experience at Leeds
- 21/22, spring: EDUC TESOL Forum SMR;
- 22/23, autumn: EDUC 1014; EDUC 2101;
- 22/23, spring: SLSP 2150; EDUC 5867; EDUC 1207; EDUC 1203;
Selected conference presentations
- 21 June 2022, The University of Sheffield, China in the Social Sciences: Emerging Research from the North of England (ChiNESS), presentation on “Children’s agency in peer relations: taking the Chinese Left-behind Children as an example”;
- 31 August to 1 September 2022, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, British Association of Chinese Studies 2022 Conference, presentation on “Tackling with the incompatibility of ethical requirements in the UK for UK-based Chinese social science research”;
- 1-2 June 2023, the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Kaleidoscope Conference 2023 (the 20th Annual Kaleidoscope Conference), presentation on “Exploring the agency of Chinese Left-behind Children in peer relations”;
- 22-25 August, 2023, University of Glasgow, European Conference on Educational Research-ECER, 2023, presentation on “Probing into Chinese Left-behind Children’s Peer Interaction from a Perspective of the Hidden Curriculum”;
Academic activities
- Member of the 2nd ChiNESS conference committee (China in the Social Sciences: Emerging Research from the North of England) funded by Think Ahead at The University of Sheffield;
- Abstract reviewer of the 2023 BERA annual conference;
- IMISCOE PhD Social Network Buddy System;
Social media
- Twitter handle: @shichong_li
- LinkedIn: Shichong Li
Research interests
- Sociology of childhood
- Children’s agency in the Chinese context
- Family relations in contemporary China
- Research ethics in practice
- Ethical dilemmas of childhood studies in the Chinese context
- Cross-cultural perspectives
- Migration (internal and external) studies
- Migrant parents
- MA in Curriculum and Instruction at Southwest University (China)
- BA in English Teaching at Sichuan University of Science and Engineering
- Student Ambassador at International Office, Faculty of Education, Southwest University (China)
- Certificate of the Exchange Program at National Chung Hsing University
- Teacher's Certificate of the PRC in High School English Teaching
Research groups and institutes
- ICY: Inclusion, Childhood & Youth Research Centre