Mr Julius Adie
- Email: ed17auj@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Professional Development of Academics in Public Colleges of Education in Nigeria: A case study.
Before joining the University of Leeds for postgraduate studies, first, in 2017 for a Masters degree (a programme I completed with a Distinction grade), and now, as a PhD researcher, I have a career in teaching in my home country of Nigeria which spans almost 13 years (October 2008 to date). Five of those years I was a subject teacher of ‘Economics’ at the secondary school level up to April of 2013. And the other 7+ years as a lecturer with a College of Education, which is a higher education institution that has the mandate of training teachers for the primary and secondary school levels of education; and I teach general education, policy, and leadership courses.
In the course of my career, I have had the opportunity of attending several conferences, workshops, training, and seminars, locally and internationally. I have also been saddled with some responsibilities which I performed excellently to the best of my ability. Some of these include appointment as Secretary of the School of General Education 1st International conference in 2016; Secretary of the Department of Educational Foundations Textbooks Review Committee, 2015-2017; Secretary of the Committee on Seminar Issues in Education – a programme designed for final year degree students as part of their course requirements, 2015-2017.
I have in the past been involved in providing leadership to my fellow students, both as an undergraduate in Nigeria, where I was elected to serve as the student union leader of my department for a tenure of one year; and during my MA programme here at the University of Leeds, where I served as the Student Rep of my cohort. I have also received some awards including the Best graduating student of my cohort 2005/2006 at the University of Calabar, Nigeria; and Most outstanding and students’ friendly lecturer by the Students’ Union Government of Federal College of Education, Obudu in 2017.
I am a member of the following professional organisations: Full member, Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning (NAEAP); Affiliate member, Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM); Full member, Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN); Student member, British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society (BELMAS). I am computer proficient.
Research interests
My research focus over the years has been around education generally, covering primary, secondary, and tertiary. However, currently, I am more interested in higher education research, particularly in the areas of “policy and leadership”. My MA dissertation in 2018 was on “Leadership succession planning in Nigeria higher education” and the PhD thesis is on policy enactment in higher education. Below are some of my previous academic publications:
- Adie, J. U., Abu, S. U., Idagu, E.A., and Odey, B. O. 2019. Understanding Ethnographic Research Paradigm of ‘Participant Observation’ as key to Quality Teacher Education Research and Teaching. COEASU South-South Journal of Education. 1(1), pp.96-101.
- Ibe, W. E., Undeshi, C.A., and Adie, J.U. 2020. Automation of Result Processing System for Public Secondary Schools in Obudu L.G.A: A Necessity for the Enhancement of the Secondary Education Sector. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management. 2(11), pp.25-28.
- Adie, J.U. and Amambo, E. E. 2017. Education beyond certification: A sure-way to National economic change and security. The Nigerian Educator: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Educational Research. 6(1), pp.174-178.
- Eteng, W.S., Adie, J.U., Ikwen, A.U. and Asinde, A.A. 2017. Informal organization and system sustainability in secondary schools in Obudu Local Government Area of Cross River State. Journal of the General Studies Unit, Federal University Wukari. 1(1), pp.55-62.
- Adie, J.U., Undeshi, C.A., and Ushie, M.A. 2016. Facilitating Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration in Secondary Schools in Ogoja Education Zone of Cross River State as Panacea for National Development. Education for Today: Journal of Faculty of Education of the University of Calabar. 12(2), pp.251-257.
- Eteng, W.S., Adie, J.U., Kayang, G., and Nchu, B. 2016. Primary School Teachers’ Perception of the Benefits of Information and Communication Technology in Obudu Local Government Area of Cross River State. International Journal of Nigerian Association for Educational Media and Technology. 4(1), 134-141. 2016
- Adie, J.U., Eteng, W.S., Ajang, D.O, and Kintum, M.U. 2016. Assessing the potentials of school-based investments as innovative sources of funding for secondary schools in Ogoja Education Zone of Cross River State. Journal of Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning. 16(3), pp.687-698.
- Adie, J.U., Undeshi, C.A., and Bassey, G.A. 2015. Addressing the Socio-economic Factors Inimical to Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Research as a panacea. International Journal of Social Science and Sustainable Development. 5(1), pp.126-132.
- Adie, J.U., Eteng, W.S., Asinde, A. A., and Abu, S. E. 2015. Politicization of the Funding of Secondary Education and its Influence on Quality and Accessable Education in Ogoja Education Zone of Cross River State. Journal of Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning. 15(1), pp.124-143.
- Adie, J.U., Undeshi, C.A, and Bassey, G.A. 2015. Principals’ Involvement in School Budgeting Practices and their Administrative Effectiveness in Public Secondary Schools in Ogoja Education Zone of Cross River State. International Journal of Educational Administration, Planning and Research, of the University of Calabar. 7(1), pp.212-222.
- Eteng, W.S., Adie, J.U., Abu, S.E., and Asinde, A.A. 2014. Managing Educational Wastage for Peace Culture among Students in Federal College of Education, Obudu, Cross River State. Nigerian Journal of Educational Administration and Planning. 14(3), pp.35-47.
Book chapters
- Adie, J.U. 2016. Job descriptions in education. In Uchendu, C.C. & Akuegwu, B.A. Educational management: A guide for practitioners. Calabar: University of Calabar Press. Pp. 525-541.
- Adie, J.U. 2014. Constructivism principles and child friendly school. In Ukwayi, G.U. & Eteng, W.S. Theory and practice of child-friendly schools for students and practitioners. Obudu: Joe-Best Printers. Pp. 33-58.
- MA - International Education Leadership & Policy - University of Leeds, 2018 - Distinction Grade
- M.Ed - Economics of Education - University of Calabar - Nigeria, 2010 - Merit Pass Grade
- B.Ed - Educational Admin. & Planning - University of Calabar - Nigeria, 2006 - 2nd Class Upper Grade
- NCE - Business Education - Federal College of Education - Nigeria, 2003 - Merit Pass Grade