Mavis Brew
- Email: edmbr@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Inclusion of children with additional language and communication needs in early childhood settings in Ghana.
- Supervisor: Dr Yvonne Griffiths, Dr Hannah Nash
A graduate of the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana. I studied BEd (Early Childhood Care and Development) and MPhil (Guidance & Counselling) in the Departments of Education and Psychology & Education. I worked for Ghana Education service for over 10 years as a Kindergarten (KG) teacher and 2 years as a guidance and counselling coordinator. My interest is focused on child development, knowledge of the classroom environment and management, inclusion, curriculum, teacher development, career self-efficacy and career exploration. I enjoy working in an integrated and collaborative environment. Outside academic and career, I enjoy sports, playing with children and caring for the aged.
Research interests
My research is focused on the inclusion of children with language and communication difficulties in early childhood setting in Ghana. It uses theory to inform how teachers can include children with langauge and communication difficulties in the implementation of the new KG curriculum developed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA). My research will explore teacher’s knowledge of the new curriculum with regards to monitoring and supporting children with language and communication difficulties. It will also explore challenges individual teachers face with the inclusion of children with language and communication difficulties in early childhood setting in Ghana. This research is fully funded by the Ghana Scholarships Secretariate.
- M Phil (Guidance and Counselling)
- BEd (Early Childhood Care and Education
- 3-Year Teacher Certificate A