Supporting research

Our aim is to attract researchers with the potential to achieve excellence in research and to contribute to a vibrant and productive environment, strengthened through our established research centres.
Developing researchers
We are committed to supporting and developing our researchers at all stages of their career. In the School of Education, our researchers are:
- Integrated into their research centres, the School and the University.
- Developed through a variety of programmes and initiatives including University and Faculty-led training and development workshops. Topics include professionalism, communication skills, research methodologies, career management and networking.
- Given opportunities to apply for study leave and ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Activities.
- Provided with access to high-quality facilities and expertise.
Visiting scholars
We undertake interdisciplinary research and collaborate with other universities and industry through long-term partnerships. The School welcomes visiting scholars from other institutions who have a clearly defined research plan that can be appropriately conducted here.
Our visiting scholars contribute knowledge and expertise from a national and international perspective through delivery of workshops, leading expert seminars, and collaborating with our researchers on joint publications and external funding applications.
Our visiting scholars will:
- work with an academic mentor on a subject of mutual interest/benefit
- contribute fully to the academic life of the School
- make at least one seminar presentation and/or
- develop a paper for publication
How to apply
Applicants for Visiting Scholar status should be a full-time member of another University with a clearly defined plan for research which can be conducted appropriately in the School of Education.
All applicants need to hold a Doctor of Philosophy qualification (PhD).
Applications will be considered in terms of your potential contribution to the School and its activities as well as our ability to support your area of research.
We therefore require the following from all our applicants:
- A detailed research plan (to include your research interests, preferred study areas and related personal publications)
- A list of the expected outcomes of your visit
- A copy of your CV
- Copies of your academic certificates (translated into English)
- A written reference from your current head of department
- The date you wish to start (not sooner than six months from the point of application)
- The proposed duration of your visit
- Contact name and details of any sponsorship you have
- Proof of identity (a scan of your passport's photo page)
Applications can be made any time of the year but please note that teaching terms are between October to December, February to March, and April to May.
In the first instance please contact the Management Office at:
Management Office
School of Education
University of Leeds
United Kingdom