Research project
Living Gender In Diverse Times
- Start date: 1 January 2018
- End date: 31 December 2021
- Funder: Economic and Social and Humanities Research Council (ESRC)
- Primary investigator: 00910174
- Co-investigators: Dr Sharon Elley, Dr Kim Allen
This University of Leeds ESRC-funded interdisciplinary research explores young people’s (16-24 year olds) understandings, experiences and practices of gender in contemporary UK as this intersects with sexualities, class, race, age and other social identities in families; intimate relationships; peer groups; leisure spaces; formal spaces of school and employment; and social media spaces.
Applied project outcomes will be made available to policymakers, equality and diversity organisations and campaigning groups, those in media and cultural industries, and youth practitioners operating in schools, colleges, universities, youth centres and workplaces.
There will also be a range of academic presentations and publications.