
Results 46 to 50 of 59 in Masters

subhajit basu hind rattan award

Dr Subhajit Basu has been awarded the prestigious Hind Rattan Award for 2020, an accolade given to Indian nationals who have made exceptional contributions to society.

Celebrating Graduation in the School of Law

On Monday the 22 July the School came together to celebrate graduation.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Alumna Korina Yiallourou is due to have an article published in the EC Tax Review.

Dr Henry Yeomans recently conducted a qualitative study of Dry January which showed that participants report experiencing immediate physical, psychological and emotional benefits from taking part.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

On 13 September, the School of Law held its inaugural postgraduate research conference. The theme for this year was ‘Law, Justice and Austerity.