SSP students and staff celebrate at the Winter Ball

In December, staff and students gathered for the Winter Ball to socialise and celebrate the end of semester one.
The Winter Ball follows on from the success of the Summer Celebration that took place at The Village Hotel in Headingly in May last year.
Open to all staff and students in the School of Sociology and Social Policy, as well as members of the Sociology, Social Policy and Criminal Justice Society (Soc Crim Soc), the Ball provided an opportunity for everyone to celebrate the end of semester one.
The Winter Ball was held on campus in the Refectory, and included a DJ, buffet and the chance for staff and students to socialise in a more informal setting. Student representatives from the School and Soc Crim Soc played a huge role in the success of the Ball, supporting with the promotion of it to other students, as did social media interns who publicised it on the student-led SSP Instagram page.
The event was a great success, with one student commenting that their highlights of the Ball included the ‘music, dancing together, and the opportunity to chitchat with the staff and PGRs outside of the academic atmosphere.’ Another student appreciated how the gathering gave them the opportunity to meet fellow students they hadn’t yet met: ‘just seeing everyone and meeting other people, even in third year still meeting new people on my course!’
A connected learning community is central to SSP. Events such as the Winter Ball and other gatherings provide valuable opportunities for staff and students to connect, share experiences, and foster mutual respect, enhancing a sense of belonging and unity. Thank you to all involved.
The ball is part of a series of community events that SSP are running to bring staff and students together and to create a sense of belonging. Other events include SSP’s famous Breakfast Clubs which take place across the academic year, and the Spring Ball, which will take place in May at The Queens Hotel.