Postgraduate Researcher awarded studentship to attend Feminist Theory workshop at Duke University

A Postgraduate Researcher in the School of Sociology and Social Policy has been awarded a School Studentship to attend a workshop at Duke University in the USA.
PGR Georgina Trace has been awarded a School Studentship to attend the 17th Annual Feminist Theory Workshop at Duke University Penn Pavilion in Durham, North Carolina, USA. The workshop is taking place on 22-23 March 2024.
We caught up with Georgina before she travelled to Duke University to find out more about her motivation and expectations for attending the workshop.
Hi Georgina! Congratulations on your studentship. Tell us, why did you apply to attend the 17th Annual Feminist Theory Workshop?
"I applied for the studentship to attend the 17th Feminist Theory Workshop as it is an exciting opportunity to engage with feminist theorists and academics at such an important time in my own PhD research. I am currently in my 3rd year of my PhD project researching the experiences of women and non-binary people selling digital sexual content.
“At this stage of my research, I am beginning my analysis and starting to generate themes relating to embodiment, disability, authenticity, emotional labour, popular feminism and gender performativity. The Feminist Theory Workshop comes at a perfect time for me to develop and challenge some of these ideas in my own research, whilst also meeting and networking with other academics whose work has been influential to me."
What are you looking forward to the most at this workshop?
"I am excited to meet PhD researchers like myself, particularly those who are researching feminism and gender in relation to the prevalence of popular feminism, digital culture and social media.
I am also looking forward to hearing from the key speakers at the event, especially those who have directly engaged with sex work in feminism and gender studies. Heather Berg's work especially has been instructive to me throughout my research; her book 'Porn Work’ has been really helpful to me for conceptualising sexual labour and worker subjectivity under capitalism. I am excited to speak with her personally and to share my own research findings!"
Find out more about Georgina Trace’s research in her SSP profile.