Autonomy and intimacy in young adult-parent relationships, across generations (hosted by FLaG)

- Date: Wednesday 30 April 2025, 12:15 – 13:45
- Location: Social Sciences Building, seminar rooms 12.21 and 12.25
- Cost: Free
Hosted by the Centre for Research on Families, Life Course and Generations (FLaG), this symposium is the next in the SSP School Seminar Series.
"Autonomy and intimacy in young adult - parent relationships, across generations", a symposium hosted by FLaG, with presentations from Prof. Kristinn Hegna, Victoria de Leon Born (both University of Oslo) and Emma Hyde (University of Leeds).
This event is in-person and open to all staff and postgraduate researchers. The seminar will take place in 12.21/25 in the Social Sciences building at 12:15 - 13:45 and attendees do not need to register in advance.