SSP Research Seminar - Disability, everyday hate and affective possibility: disabled people’s negotiations of space, place and identity

We are delighted to welcome Dr Leah Burch of Liverpool Hope University to present at the next SSP Research Seminar Series.


In this paper, I present findings from a recently conducted research project exploring disabled people’s understandings and experiences of hate and hate crime within the context of everyday life. Drawing upon the work of affect theory, I introduce ‘the affective possibility of hate’ as a theoretical framework that can help to make sense of the diverse range of ways that disabled people are affected by their experiences. In doing so, I consider the unique ways that people navigate, negotiate, and resist experiences of hate within their everyday lives. In turn, I suggest that experiences of hate crime can open up particularly informed ways of knowing and being in the world.

Speaker biography 

I am a post-doctoral teaching fellow in the School of Social Sciences at Liverpool Hope University. I have recently finished my PhD research at the University of Leeds, which was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. This research sought to explore disabled people’s understandings of hate crime in the context of their everyday lives. In addition, I considered the diverse ways that these experiences shaped the ways in which disabled people negotiate and navigate surrounding space. I am a core member of the Centre for Culture and Disability Studies at Liverpool Hope University and a member of the British Society of Criminology. 

Event joining details

You can join us on Zoom using the link below:

Meeting ID: 873 2700 1689
Passcode: 734477