The Bauman Institute Roundtable: Artivism for Social Justice Now

- Date: Wednesday 10 March 2021, 16:00 – 17:00
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
How can arts-based collaborative methods and practices as forms of activism tackle pressing issues and processes around inequality and exclusion today?
This interdisciplinary roundtable enters into dialogue with artist Eirini Kaptani about the roles that ‘artivism’ (or art activism) may play in radically transforming topical contexts and systems that forms of injustice operate in.
Kaptani will discuss the role of gendered and racialised bodies in critical arts practice, and how art activism can be relevant to transformative, lived experiences and, thereby, as reparative process.
Kaptani is a participatory performance artist, drama therapist and PhD candidate in sociology and theatre at the University of Greenwich. She has published extensively on participatory performance for social research, community building and public impact, and employs narrative and movement-based methods inspired by improvisation, physical and Forum Theatre. As a member of Playback South Theatre Company and Studio upstairs arts community, she produced and performed for Rich Mix ‘Suspended Lives’ and ‘Me? I just put British’. Kaptani works as an arts and research consultant for civic engagement organisations and major international research projects internationally.
Dr Martin Zebracki, Dr Maria Rovisco, Arts Catalyst
This roundtable is part of ACT for Inclusivity: Artivism, Community, Transformation. This project is funded by a pump-priming award (2020) from the Leeds Social Sciences Institute (LSSI) to Dr Martin Zebracki, School of Geography, in collaboration with Dr Maria Rovisco, School of Sociology and Social Policy, and in partnership with visual arts organisation Arts Catalyst that works across art, science and technology.
Event joining details
All welcome and free registration for what we hope becomes an engaging event.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 865 3149 6148
Passcode: 887307