Online Research Seminar Series: Inequalities, social care and disabled people: does a public health perspective have anything useful to add?
- Date: Wednesday 6 May 2020, 12:30 – 14:00
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
Join our online seminar which will discuss contemporary public health perspectives and ideas, within the context of health inequalities.
This seminar will discuss contemporary public health perspectives and ideas, within the context of health inequalities, and determine their significance to current debates surrounding social care and disabled people. Issues discussed during the seminar, include: discriminatory assumptions and operations within contemporary visions of public health; the focus on social determinants in understanding health inequalities; notions of risk within public health and social care; the role of self-directed support to address health inequalities; and effective strategies for public health policy change, including current approaches focusing on inclusive growth. The seminar will consider the role of public health specialists within local authorities, rather than health services, and determine what impact this has on disabled people's participation and inclusion within the local community.
Chris Hatton is currently Professor of Public Health and Disability at Lancaster University. For the past 30 years he has mainly been involved in policy-relevant research with people with learning disabilities, trying to document and understand the inequalities that people experience, evaluate if policies and services make a difference to people’s lives, and work with people who can put that evidence to good use.
In order to join the online seminar, please email who will provide you with the link.
You’ll be able to join from 12:30 onwards, the seminar will begin at 13:00. The first half an hour will be a presentation/talk from Professor Hatton, followed by a Q&A/discussion.