The Post-Colonial Bauman (2): Talk by Manuela Boatcă

The second talk in The Bauman Institute's series reflecting upon the relevance of Bauman's work to current concerns in post-colonial and decolonial theory.

This event is hosted by The Bauman Institute.

Professor Dr Manuela Boatcă (University of Freiburg)

Introduced by Dr. Jason Allen-Paisant (University of Leeds)

‘Ambivalence and (Post)Coloniality: Mapping Critiques of Modernity from its Margins’

The production of social difference, from the figures of the stranger and the non-citizen up to the racialised Other – and the processes of exclusion resulting from it –have been prominent targets of various critiques of modernity as a project. While for Zygmunt Bauman, the production of difference in modernity engenders ambivalence, in decolonial thought the generation of alterity is the basis for the underside of modernity, coloniality. This lecture addresses how the (dis)similarities between these critiques speak to different experiences of exclusion across the colonial/imperial divide and what implications ‘decolonising’ Bauman might have for a radical critique of modernity.

Manuela Boatcă is Professor of Sociology and Head of School of the Global Studies Programme at the Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg (Germany). Her work deals with world-systems analysis, postcolonial and decolonial perspectives, gender in modernity/coloniality and the geopolitics of knowledge in Eastern Europe and Latin America.


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