Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets (GELLM)

Sue Yeandle, Director of CIRCLE, speaking on ‘Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets

The Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets research programme, directed by Sue Yeandle and based in Sheffield Hallam University’s Centre for Social Inclusion, was co-funded through a major European Social Fund award and in collaboration with twelve English Local Authorities, the Equal Opportunities Commission, and the TUC.

The programme comprised a major programme of statistical analysis, reported in a series of Gender Profiles, six newLocal Research Studies (each producing a series of local reports and a synthesis report), and an extensive programme of dissemination and gender mainstreaming activities.

All reports produced during the lifetime of the project are available electronically and a new book based on the programme, Policy for A CHANGE: local labour markets and gender equality, (2009) edited by Sue Yeandle, is available from the Policy Press, Bristol.

Project Publications

Sue Yeandle directed and devised the Gender and Employment in Local Labour Marketsresearch programme, co-funded through a major European Social Fund award. Based at Sheffield Hallam University, the programme was developed in partnership with the Equal Opportunities Commission, the TUC and twelve English local authorities between 2003 and 2006.

Lisa Buckner led the GELLM statistical work, and Cinnamon Bennett led a GELLM study that focused upon women’s careers in local authorities. Christopher Price provided research support on a variety of GELLM projects.

The programme included the following reports and publications.

Gender Profiling of Twelve Local Labour Markets (2005-6)

This research presented gender-disaggregated data, by age and ethnicity that covered the following areas.

  • demographics
  • the gender pay gap
  • educational attainment
  • unemployment and economic inactivity
  • employment: economic activity, occupations, industries, and travel-to-work
  • work-life balance: flexible working, parental and carers’ responsibilities, and service provision

Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets: locality reports (2006)

These reports consisted of six multi-method parallel studies across four to six local labour markets.

Working Below Potential: Women and Part-time Work, by Linda Grant, Sue Yeandle and Lisa Buckner.

Connecting Women With The Labour Market, by Linda Grant, Chris Price and Lisa Buckner.

Women’s Career Development in the Local Authority Sector, by Cinnamon Bennett, Ning Tang and Sue Yeandle.

Addressing Women’s Poverty: local labour markets initiatives, by Karen Escott, Chris Price and Lisa Buckner.

Local Challenges in Meeting Demand for Domiciliary Care, by Sue Yeandle, Lucy Shipton and Lisa Buckner.

Ethnic Minority Women and Access to the Labour Market, by Bernadette Stiell and Ning Tang.

Synthesis Reports

Executive Summaries

Final Conference Report: promoting gender equality in local labour markets (2006)

Director’s Final Report on the Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets Research Programme (2006)

Supporting women’s engagement with their local labour markets

Papers arising from the GELLM team’s work have recently been published in the journal Local Economy Vol. 21 No. 2, in the journal’s ‘In Perspective’ section: Supporting Women’s Engagement with their Local Labour Markets (pp. 197-232). ThisIn Perspective collection comprises (due to copyright, electronic versions are not available on this website) of the following research work.

  • Supporting Women’s Engagement with their Local Labour Markets: introduction, by S Yeandle.
  • Women Outside Paid Employment: getting to grip with local labour markets, by L Grant, L Buckner, G Poole and C Price.
  • Building Policy/Research Relationships: using innovative methodologies to engage ethnic minority women, by B Stiell, N Tang, C Bennett and C Price.
  • Tackling Gender Inequality: linking research to policy making and mainstreaming,by K Escott and S Punn.
  • Mainstreaming Women’s EnterpriseYorkshire Forward’s approach, by C Bennett and M Chadwick.

Other gender and equalities reports and publications

Public Events and Presentations from 2007