
Results 1 to 5 of 202 in Research and expertise

Dr Tesfalem Yemane stands in graduation cap and gown, holding a bouquet of flowers, in front of the sculpture in Beech Grove Plaza.

In December 2023, Dr Tesfalem Yemane graduated from the School of Sociology and Social Policy with a PhD and a special mention for Research Excellence.

White replica...

A century ago, two British Empire Exhibitions received 17 million and 9 million visitors respectively in Wembley, London in an apparent effort to showcase and expand British colonial activity.

Eight BBC Morning Live show presenters stand in colourful outifts around an orange square with

On 29 August, the BBC Morning Live show broadcast a feature from Leeds on how UK households could reduce their energy costs in ways that also help to decarbonise society.

The book cover of As Good As A Marriage by Dr Jill Liddington.

A paperback edition of the diaries of Anne Lister from 1836-38 offers rare insights into Anne’s unorthodox relationship with Ann Walker and achievements as a businesswoman in 19th century Yorkshire.

Image from zine publication showing two illustrated eyes with the captions 'I'm allowed to rest', 'I love myself', 'I dismantle the systems that disable me' and 'I am worthy'

A zine published by the University of Leeds captures the imaginings and creativities of young disabled individuals, as they envision what an accessible and inclusive society would look like.