Centre for Transdisciplinary Methodology

Harnessing expertise in realist methodologies, qualitative longitudinal research, archiving and secondary analysis of longitudinal qualitative data, and quantitative methods.

man and woman in Leeds city centre office

School of Sociology and Social Policy - Centre for Transdisciplinary Methodology

Centre aims

The Centre for Transdisciplinary Methodology aims to:

  • Promote creative opportunities to develop a transdisciplinary methodology
  • Generate and disseminate knowledge about transdisciplinary methodologies
  • Provide an accessible point of contact for researchers across the arts and humanities, social, natural and physical sciences, policy and programmes that face the challenges of researching complex social problems.
  • Collaborate with transdisciplinary research groups and networks in the UK and internationally.
  • Contribute to a pedagogy of research methodology training through resources addressing a wide variety of audiences.
  • Benefit society, culture, public policy, economy and services through the impact of our transdisciplinary methodological research and teaching.
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Here are some of the core themes our research will cover

pile of books

A transdisciplinary approach enhances the impact of research and we are actively collaborating with a range of people.

Meet our staff driving forward the research activity in this area.

More on Our experts


Take a look at some of the latest analysis, research and discussion points from the team.