School of Sociology and Social Policy research recognised by REF 2021

67% of the School’s submitted publications have been judged “world-leading” or “internationally excellent”, with 40% judged “world-leading”, the highest rating attainable.
The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the system for assessing the quality and impact of research in UK higher education institutions, along with the environment that supports this research.
At the University of Leeds, the School of Sociology and Social Policy was the only School to enter its research submission into UoA 21 Sociology.
The School is proud to be part of a values-driven University, which prioritises collaboration, inclusivity, compassion and integrity. Our research is driven by a commitment to criticality, inclusion and contribution – seeking to make a positive, real-world difference.
As can be seen from our impact case studies, which describe research programmes relating to social finance, disability policy and tackling Islamophobia, we are change-makers. We are delighted that the REF panel has recognised that our research has significant social impact and value.
Head of School, Professor S. Sayyid comments: “I am appreciative of the hard work of our community of academics, postgraduate researchers and professional services staff. We are grateful to all our research partners and collaborators.
“The School is a constantly evolving community. We look forward to building on our strengths and taking forward exciting new projects, international collaborations and continuing to play an active role as public scholars – striving for social relevance and intellectual excellence.”
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View the University of Leeds results for all units of assessment.