Learning from Leeds Poverty Truth

In collaboration with Leeds Poverty Truth, members of the School of Sociology and Social Policy publish new research findings.
Alongside findings from the research project, the School and Leeds Poverty Truth have published recommendations on how to improve the civic representation of people struggling against poverty.
Leeds Poverty Truth is an independent initiative to help address poverty-related issues across Leeds. It does so by running 18 month-long Commissions that bring together ‘poverty experts through experience’ and civic and business decision-makers in the local area.
There is a great deal to be learnt from the achievements and operation of Leeds Poverty Truth. The stakeholders involved offer substantial experience and knowledge that could support others to ensure the voices and interests of those living in poverty are better reflected in the design, implementation and evaluation of public services and policies.
Combining academic research with the expertise of commissioners involved, Leeds Poverty Truth and the School of Sociology and Social Policy have come together on a project to distil some of the key lessons to take away from the model and encourage their take-up by others hoping to enhance the civic representation of marginalised citizens.
To learn more about the Poverty Truth Commission and the project, visit Project Twist It, where you can also download the research findings and recommendations.
If you would like to follow some of the key themes and messages emerging from the project, you can also follow #Poverty2Participation on social media or contact those involved at the University of Leeds and Leeds Poverty Truth:
Dr Daniel Edmiston: D.Edmiston@leeds.ac.uk
Mr Andrew Grinnell: Andrew@povertytruthnetwork.org