Paula Correa Bologna


I am PhD researcher in Sociology and Social Policy with a multidisciplinary background in Economics and Social Anthropology. I have worked in the private, educational, and charity industries in Brazil and the UK, as both researcher and human rights advocate.

I obtained my Master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the Universidade Federal de São Carlos with a dissertation on housing social movements in São Paulo, Brazil. My ethnographic research aimed to understand the multiple layers that build a housing social movement and discuss the political, economic, and symbolic relations between these grassroots organisations and public administration. This study was prized by the Portuguese publisher Escolar Editora in 2018, an award that considered submissions in Social Sciences from all Portuguese-speaking countries.

For my PhD, I am investigating the gendered relations to finance and housing debt in São Paulo and Manaus, Brazil. I’m focusing on the way women’s lives and relationships are affected by debt. Also, interested in the link between indebtedness and the implementation of liberal macroeconomic policies.

Research interests

My broader research interests include economic sociology, economic anthropology, and political economy in the Global South. I closely follow discussions on household debt, neoliberalism, public policy, social movements, and urban studies from a feminist perspective.



  • MRes in Social Anthropology, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil.
  • Bachelor in Economics, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brazil