Kharis Hutchison

Kharis Hutchison


I completed my undergraduate degree in Geography from the University of St. Andrews in 2020. I was drawn to the human side of geography with particular interest in subject areas such as health inequalities, migration and segregation.

My interest in societal inequalities led me to studying a master’s degree in Equality and Human Rights which I completed in September 2021 from the University of Glasgow having achieved a Distinction. Within my master’s I had the opportunity to learn about a variety of topics including gender and race. It was during my master’s that I began to learn about disability studies and it is probably best described as a turning point for me in my research interests. I had not had the opportunity before then to learn about disability, but I quickly realised that this was where my passion lies.

My MSc dissertation focussed on students with dyslexia’s experiences of university education during COVID-19 utilising online interviews with students at one UK university. The research concluded that universities needed to collaborate with students with dyslexia to ensure that learning is inclusive and accessible for all, even during a pandemic.

In October 2021, I began my PhD at the University of Leeds which has provided me with the opportunity to pursue my interests within disability studies and domestic violence and abuse. 

Research interests

My current PhD adopts a qualitative approach to explore the lived experience of people with Multiple Sclerosis who have faced domestic violence and abuse (DVA).

Whilst healthcare staff have become progressively more alarmed about suspected and confirmed cases of DVA in people with multiple sclerosis since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is limited guidance available for healthcare staff who wish to act on concerns about DVA.

When considering the fact that there are 105,800 people living with multiple sclerosis in England and that approximately 3 of 4 are women, in combination with DVA predominantly affecting women, there is a significant cause for concern. Very little is known regarding the DVA experiences of people with MS despite a variety of factors, including social isolation and unemployment, highlighting an increased risk.

This research, whilst focussing on lived experience, will consider the social causes of DVA and on how support structures can be improved for people who are at risk of or are experiencing DVA in order to limit distress and focus on societal change.

My research interests:

  • Disability studies
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Health inequalities
  • Feminism and intersectionality
  • Inclusive education
  • Homelessness and disability


  • MA(hons) Geography
  • MSc Equality and Human Rights