Christian J Harrison
- Email: ss18ch@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Becoming ourselves online: disabled transgender identity construction and intersection through social media
- Supervisors: Professor Karen Throsby, Dr Alison Sheldon
I started my academic journey completing a BA in Sociology with a concentration in Criminal Justice from Colorado State University in the USA in 2012. At the time wanting to go into law enforcement. I was drawn to student support services in the university and completed an MSc in Student Affairs in Higher Education from Colorado State University in 2015. After working in the field for a few years, I was attracted back to the world of research (as well as the UK), where, in 2019 I completed my MA in Social Research from the University of Leeds. In October 2019 I was awarded the opportunity to start my role as a postgraduate researcher in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy to pursue my doctoral studies.
Research interests
My current PhD research uses a qualitative interview-diary method, to understand how transgender disabled people navigate online spaces and use social media in their daily lives to develop their identities, community and relationships to their bodies. Disabled and transgender people’s social media use have mainly been investigated in silos. However this research investigates the intersectional ways in which transgender disabled people create meaning of their lived experience through interactions online.
My MA research focused on smartphone use of disabled and non-disabled people in relation to embodiment and perceptions of accessibility.
My research interests include:
- Technology
- Social Media
- Disability studies (Crip theory, Social Model of Disability, etc.)
- Gender (particularly trans and non-binary experiences)
- Embodiment
- Intersections of identity
- Sexualities (Queer Theory, etc.)
For more information on my research please visit:
- https://leeds.academia.edu/ChristianCJHarrison
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christian_Harrison2
- https://twitter.com/CJHResearch
- https://www.facebook.com/CJHResearch
- https://www.instagram.com/cjhresearch/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoJjFh_E-RPu7pvqJf2DSIQ
- MA Social Research
- MSc Student Affairs in Higher Education
- BA Sociology with a concentration in Criminal Justice